Round Table India

Each day the rally starts at one of the Round Table locations, such as a school or a factory. This has given us a great insight into where the donations to Round Table go. Each day we are also surrounded by the press and TV crews, we've even appeared in the local India papers three times. This is great exposure for both Rickshaw Challenge and Round Table.

Press interview - David & Alexandra from Spain aka Los Pacos.

From India Rickshaw Challenge

School children in Bangalore. All children here were from the poorest families, some living in the slums. They are attacted to the school initially because of the lunch time meal and then keep coming back because of the opportunity to learn and gain an education. This school had computers donated by SAP which they run self-learning programs from.

From India Rickshaw Challenge

Disabled women working at a factory in Vellore. This electronics company was established by Round Table specifically for the purpose of employing disabled women. These ladies are also given accomodation through Round Table and a house after 10 years service.

From India Rickshaw Challenge

Round Table is similar to Rotary organisations. Local Indian people from the township get involved to set up the projects therefore no donation money is spent on administration. All money's go to the people who need it most.